Saturday, 31 March 2012

Not there yet

So last month didn't go to plan, still no baby! We are only a few days from my wife's period due date so we should find out again soon.

I'm getting bored of the trying now which is getting me frustrated. Not with my wife or the donor but with the process and ultimately myself. It's getting really tedious to the point where I'm not enjoying it, we want the final product so desperately but it's getting to be really annoying.

I'm still convinced that it'll be this month or next but it's not making it any easier and until we get a positive test it won't mean anything.

In other news, I got the sex of my ex work colleague's baby right! She had a baby boy on march 3rd. Our friends have had their detailed scan but they didn't find out the sex, they're keeping it a secret so I won't find out until the little one is born.

Anyway, this was a random one. I'll do another post when we know either way about this try, fingers are crossed, hopes are high! Come on baby, we're ready for you!!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Pregnancy Sixth Sense

We're surrently on 11DPO (days past ovulation) and for some reason it's going really slowly this time around, i feel like it's been about 6 months since my wife had her last period and it's starting to do my head in a bit. Randomly , i have really sore nipples. Now if it was my wife with the sore nipples i think we'd both be getting really excited and be finding it difficult not knowing for certain whether it had worked or not this month with such an obvious symptom. I'm hoping it's part of my sixth sense and that we are pregnant.

Which quite nicely leads into an explaination of what my pregnancy sixth sense is. Basically i can sense when friends or family are pregnant, sometimes even before they know. I know that sounds really weird but i just know, i may not know exactly who is pregnant but i'll have an overwhelming feeling that someone is. Once they're about 10 weeks pregnant i can usually sense the sex of the baby/babies too.

I'm so good at it that i haven't been wrong in about 7 years! Current guesses are that the friends i've spoken about on here are having a boy (they find out in the next few weeks) and an ex work colleague is also having a boy (she was due at the end of February so i guess we'll find out any day now)

I'm currently getting some feeling about us, 1 of 2 things is correct (i think!) so i'm writing it in my blog to see if it comes true. Either we are pregnant this month but we'll test and it'll come up negative and then we'll wait for a few days and re test to get a positive. Or it's not this month but it's either March into April or April in May. I'm just getting "you're almost there" vibes. Don't ask me why but i am.

We shall see in the next few weeks if i'm right on the first theory and the sexes of friends babies.